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更多 发布于:2013-01-16 16:06
<p><font size="4"><img title="Air Quality="Quality"  Suffering="Suffering"  in="in"  China" alt="Air Quality="Quality"  Suffering="Suffering"  in="in"  China" src=""/></font></p><p><font size="4"></font> </p><p><a href=""><font size="4">download</font></a><font size="4"> large image (7 MB, JPEG, 5000x6400)                                 </font></p><div class="detail-desc"><font size="4"><span class="rf">acquired January 14, 2013</span>                                     </font><a href=""><font size="4">download</font></a><font size="4">  GeoTIFF file (47 MB, TIFF)                                 </font></div><div class="headimage-detail"><a href=""><font size="4"><img title="Air Quality="Quality"  Suffering="Suffering"  in="in"  China" alt="Air Quality="Quality"  Suffering="Suffering"  in="in"  China" src=""/>                                 </font></a><font size="4">                                 </font><div class="detail-desc"><font size="4"><span class="rf">acquired January 3, 2013</span>                                     </font><a href=""><font size="4">download</font></a><font size="4"> large image (8 MB, JPEG, 5000x6400)                                 </font></div><div class="detail-desc"><font size="4"><span class="rf">acquired January 3, 2013</span>                                     </font><a href=""><font size="4">download</font></a><font size="4">  GeoTIFF file (51 MB, TIFF)                                 </font></div><div class="detail-desc"><font size="4"><span class="rf">acquired January 3 -  14, 2013</span>                                     </font><a href=""><font size="4">download</font></a><font size="4">  Google Earth file (KMZ)                                 </font></div></div><div class="stnd-desc globalimages"><div class="btn-compare-container"><a class="btn-compare-view" id="btn-compare-view" href=""><font size="4">View Image Comparison</font></a><a class="btn-compare-hide" id="btn-compare-hide" href=""><font size="4">View Both Images</font></a><font size="4">                                 </font></div><p><font size="4">Residents of Beijing and many other cities in China were warned to stay inside in mid-January 2013 as the nation faced one of the worst periods of air quality in recent history. The Chinese government ordered factories to scale back emissions, while hospitals saw spikes of more than 20 to 30 percent in patients complaining of respiratory issues, according to news reports.</font></p><p><font size="4">The </font><a href=""><font size="4">Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer</font></a><font size="4"> (MODIS) on NASA’s </font><a href=""><font size="4">Terra</font></a><font size="4"> satellite acquired these natural-color images of northeastern China on January 14 (top) and January 3, 2013. The top image shows extensive haze, low clouds, and fog over the region. The brightest areas tend to be clouds or fog, which have a tinge of gray or yellow from the air pollution. Other cloud-free areas have a pall of gray and brown smog that mostly blots out the cities below. In areas where the ground is visible, some of the landscape is covered with lingering snow from storms in recent weeks. (Snow is more prominent in the January 3 image.)</font></p><p><font size="4">At the time that the January 14 image was taken by satellite, ground-based sensors at </font><a href=""><font size="4">the U.S. Embassy in Beijing</font></a><font size="4"> reported PM<sub>2.5</sub> measurements of 291 micrograms per cubic meter of air. Fine, airborne particulate matter (PM) that is smaller than 2.5 microns (about </font><a href=""><font size="4">one thirtieth</font></a><font size="4"> the width of a human hair) is considered dangerous because it is small enough to enter the passages of the human lungs. Most PM<sub>2.5</sub> </font><a href=""><font size="4">aerosol particles</font></a><font size="4"> come from the burning of fossil fuels and biomass (wood fires and agricultural burning). The World Health Organization considers PM<sub>2.5</sub> to be safe when it is below 25.</font></p><p><font size="4">Also at the time of the image, the </font><a href=""><font size="4">air quality index</font></a><font size="4"> (AQI) in Beijing was 341. An AQI above 300 is considered hazardous to all humans, not just those with heart or lung ailments. AQI below 50 is considered good. On January 12, the peak of the current air crisis, AQI was 775 the U.S Embassy Beijing Air Quality Monitor—off the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency scale—and PM<sub>2.5</sub> was 886 micrograms per cubic meter.</font></p></div>
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  • 注册日期2003-07-16
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  • GIS帝国居民
  • 帝国沙发管家
  • GIS帝国明星
  • GIS帝国铁杆
发布于:2013-01-16 16:10
<p><font size="4">Air Pollution in China: Real-time Air Quality Index Visual Map</font></p>
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<p><a href=";loc=china"><font size="4">;loc=china</font></a></p>
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<p><font size="4"><img src=""/><img src=""/><br/></font></p>
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