<p>本人初学ArcGIS想请教一下 哪位大虾有关于ArcGIs的空间数据挖掘接口(s-plus)的资料? 在线等啊,谢谢。</p>
<p>或者可以联系我邮箱:<a href="mailto:shi_yiyin@163.com">shi_yiyin@163.com</a></p> |
发布于:2011-11-18 06:53
好像以前arcview 3.2有这个插件,目前也不知道ESRI有没出arcgis最新的插件
发布于:2011-11-18 06:55
<h1>Integrating S-PLUS with ArcView in Spatial Data Analysis</h1>
<div> <h2>Shuming Bao, Doug Martin, 1997 Esri International User Conference, 1997</h2></div> <p> </p> <p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" face="Verdana"><a href="http://training.esri.com/bibliography/index.cfm?event=general.recorddetail;id=4680">http://training.esri.com/bibliography/index.cfm?event=general.recorddetail;id=4680</a></font></p> <p> </p> |
发布于:2011-11-18 06:55
<h3>Abstract</h3> <p>This paper provides an introduction to the analysis of spatial data with ArcView and S-PLUS. S-PLUS, an object-oriented software product of MathSoft, is a powerful data analysis package with over 1,650 functions such as Moran I statistics and spatial regression models. S-PLUS provides tools developed for the exploratory data analysis and modeling of three broad classes of spatial data: geostatistical data, point patterns, and lattice data, which can be used to analyze data arising in technical areas such as environmental, mining and petroleum engineering, natural resources, geography, epidemiology, demography and others where data is sampled spatially. With an interface developed for ArcView and S-PLUS, the statistical analytical functions and graphic capabilities in S-PLUS are integrated with spatial visual techniques in ArcView. The conversation between S-PLUS and ArcView is established through an S+API linkage. The user can launch or close an S-PLUS session from ArcView. Users can export selected records and variables from ArcView to an S-PLUS object. Users can also access an S-PLUS object directly from ArcView such as plotting a map with residual or fitted value using data from S-PLUS in ArcView, adding a table from an S-PLUS object, or adding an event theme from an S-PLUS object. Other auxiliary functions provided for spatial data analysis include selecting spatial data records in ArcView, selecting spatial data variables, grouping observations into different categories, and constructing spatial weight matrices according to the distance and neighbor criteria. The application was written using Avenue.</p></div> <table class="comparisontable" jquery1321570458890="29"> <thead> <tr style="DISPLAY: none"> <td colspan="2"></td></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="even"> <td>Reference Type:</td> <td>Conference Proceedings</td></tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Conference Location:</td> <td>San Diego, California</td></tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Publisher:</td> <td>ESRI</td></tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Author Information:</td> <td>MathSoft, Inc., Seattle, Washington, USA</td></tr> <tr class="even"> <td>Keywords:</td> <td>geostatistics; spatial statistics; S-Plus; S+; statistical analysis</td></tr> <tr class="odd"> <td>Availability:</td> <td>No published paper exists for this abstract. Contact the author for more information. </td></tr></tbody></table> |
发布于:2011-11-18 12:48
谢谢了 我再研究一下 然后再请教<img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em68.gif" />
发布于:2011-11-22 17:23
[求助] 谁有s-plus for Arcview这个插件或者下载地址啊?
请问哪位有<font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" face="Verdana">s-plus for Arcview</font> 这个空间数据挖掘插件?我做课题急需啊!!! |