<P>我也作了一些尝试:</P> <P> 将原投影设置为:</P> <P> 1.projection type:Space oblique mercator</P> <P> 2.spheroid name:WGS84</P> <P> 3.datum name:WGS84</P> <P> 4.landsat vehicle ID:0</P> <P> 5.path number:0</P> <P> 6.false easting:0</P> <P> 7.false northing:0</P> <P> 目标投影设置为:</P> <P> 1.projection type:Gauss Kruger</P> <P> 2.spheroid name:krasovsky</P> <P> 3.datum name:krasovsky</P> <P> 4.longitude of central meridian: 117:00:00.000000 E</P> <P> 5.latitude of origin of projection: 0:00:00.000000 N</P> <P> 6.false easting: 500000.000000 meters</P> <P> 7.false northing: 0.000000 meters</P> <P>用上述参数投影的结果并不正确。</P> <P><FONT color=#421ae6>敬请各位指导。</FONT></P> <P>图像文件的头信息如下:</P> <P>struct L7A_Header {<BR> char product_id[19] = "0750006270216_0065"<BR> char first_scene_location[12] = "121/0390000"<BR> char first_scene_acquisition_date[9] = "20000416"<BR> char first_scene_satellite[9] = "LANDSAT7"<BR> char first_scene_sensor[5] = "ETM+"<BR> char first_scene_mode[7] = "NORMAL"<BR> double first_scene_lookangle = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> char second_scene_location = ""<BR> char second_scene_acquisition_date = ""<BR> char second_scene_satellite = ""<BR> char second_scene_sensor = ""<BR> char second_scene_mode = ""<BR> double second_scene_lookangle = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> char third_scene_location = ""<BR> char third_scene_acquisition_date = ""<BR> char third_scene_satellite = ""<BR> char third_scene_sensor = ""<BR> char third_scene_mode = ""<BR> double third_scene_lookangle = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> char fourth_scene_location = ""<BR> char fourth_scene_acquisition_date = ""<BR> char fourth_scene_satellite = ""<BR> char fourth_scene_sensor = ""<BR> char fourth_scene_mode = ""<BR> double fourth_scene_lookangle = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> char product_type[13] = "MAP ORIENTED"<BR> char product_size[11] = "FULL SCENE"<BR> char type_of_processing[11] = "SYSTEMATIC"<BR> char resampling[3] = "CC"<BR> long tape_volume_number = 1<BR> long number_of_volumes = 1<BR> long pixels_per_line = 7361<BR> long lines_in_volume = 6501<BR> long lines_in_outputimage = 6501<BR> long start_line_number = 0<BR> long blocking_factor = 0<BR> long record_length = 47853861<BR> double pixel_size = 3.0000000000000000e+001 <BR> long output_bits_per_pixel = 8<BR> long acquired_bits_per_pixel = 8<BR> char bands_present[7] = "123457"<BR> char first_band_name[30] = "L71121039_03920000416_B10.FST"<BR> char second_band_name[30] = "L71121039_03920000416_B20.FST"<BR> char third_band_name[30] = "L71121039_03920000416_B30.FST"<BR> char fourth_band_name[30] = "L71121039_03920000416_B40.FST"<BR> char fifth_band_name[30] = "L71121039_03920000416_B50.FST"<BR> char sixth_band_name[30] = "L72121039_03920000416_B70.FST"<BR> char revision[4] = "L7A"<BR> double first_band_bias = -6.1999998092651367e+000 <BR> double first_band_gain = 7.7568629769717901e-001 <BR> double second_band_bias = -6.4000000953674316e+000 <BR> double second_band_gain = 7.9568627488379395e-001 <BR> double third_band_bias = -5.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double third_band_gain = 6.1921566233915404e-001 <BR> double fourth_band_bias = -5.0999999046325684e+000 <BR> double fourth_band_gain = 9.6549021963979698e-001 <BR> double fifth_band_bias = -1.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double fifth_band_gain = 1.2572548810173501e-001 <BR> double sixth_band_bias = -3.4999999403953602e-001 <BR> double sixth_band_gain = 4.3725490920684000e-002 <BR> double seventh_band_bias = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double seventh_band_gain = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double eigth_band_bias = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double eigth_band_gain = 0.0000000000000000e+000 </P> <P> char map_projection_name[4] = "SOM"<BR> char earth_ellipsoid[6] = "WGS84"<BR> char datum_name[6] = "WGS84"</P> <P> double USGS_projection_params1 = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double USGS_projection_params2 = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double USGS_projection_params3 = 7.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double USGS_projection_params4 = 1.2100000000000000e+002 <BR> double USGS_projection_params5 = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double USGS_projection_params6 = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double USGS_projection_params7 = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double USGS_projection_params8 = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double USGS_projection_params9 = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double USGS_projection_params10 = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double USGS_projection_params11 = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double USGS_projection_params12 = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double USGS_projection_params13 = 1.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double USGS_projection_params14 = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double USGS_projection_params15 = 0.0000000000000000e+000 </P> <P> long zone_number = 0</P> <P> double upperleft_lon = 1.1589644627777776e+002 <BR> double upperleft_lat = 3.1280242638888886e+001 <BR> double upperleft_mapx = 3.4080000000000000e+005 <BR> double upperleft_mapy = -1.6627800000000000e+007 </P> <P> double upperright_lon = 1.1819913547222224e+002 <BR> double upperright_lat = 3.1066494861111117e+001 <BR> double upperright_mapx = 5.6160000000000000e+005 <BR> double upperright_mapy = -1.6627800000000000e+007 </P> <P> double lowerright_lon = 1.1796353572222223e+002 <BR> double lowerright_lat = 2.9319702555555558e+001 <BR> double lowerright_mapx = 5.6160000000000000e+005 <BR> double lowerright_mapy = -1.6822800000000000e+007 </P> <P> double lowerleft_lon = 1.1570089716666669e+002 <BR> double lowerleft_lat = 2.9529666166666672e+001 <BR> double lowerleft_mapx = 3.4080000000000000e+005 <BR> double lowerleft_mapy = -1.6822800000000000e+007 </P> <P> double scenecenter_lon = 1.1694027602777777e+002 <BR> double scenecenter_lat = 3.0304081555555555e+001 <BR> double scenecenter_mapx = 4.5120000000000000e+005 <BR> double scenecenter_mapy = -1.6725300000000000e+007 </P> <P> long scenecenter_pixelno = 3681<BR> long scenecenter_lineno = 3251</P> <P> long horizontal_offset = 234</P> <P> double orientation_angle = 0.0000000000000000e+000 <BR> double sun_elevation_angle = 6.0000000000000000e+001 <BR> double sun_azimuth_angle = 1.2700000000000000e+002 <BR>} L7A_Header</P> |