<P>public void Locate (<BR> ISceneViewer pViewer,<BR> int x,<BR> int y,<BR> esriScenePickMode mode,<BR> bool bGetTransformed,<BR> ref IPoint ppPt,<BR> ref object ppOwner,<BR> ref object ppObject<BR>);</P>
<P><BR>下面是我用c#+AO写程序。</P> <P>ISceneGraph scenegraph = axSceneControl1.SceneGraph;<BR> ISceneViewer pviewer = scenegraph.ActiveViewer;</P> <P> IPoint ppoint;<BR> object powner;<BR> object pobject;<BR> int xpos=0;<BR> int ypos=0;<BR> </P> <P> scenegraph.Locate(pviewer, xpos, ypos, esriScenePickAll,true, ref ppoint, ref powner, ref pobject);</P> <P>请问一下这里面的这个esriScenePickMode mode,,怎么来定义呢?好像有<STRONG>esriScenePickAll等六个值可以取,为什么我输上这个值就说不存在名称“esriScenePickAll”呢?使用之前因该怎么定义呢?谢谢。</STRONG></P><img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em04.gif" /> |
发布于:2007-12-29 09:13
Locate Example
<H1>Locate Example</H1><CODE><PRE>'<br>' In ArcScene, create a new UIControl via the<br>' Tools | Customize | Commands | UIControl menu.<br>' Drag the new tool to a toolbar and choose 'View Source' from<br>' its context menu when you right-click it.<br>' Enter this code for the MouseDown event, as well as<br>' the 'LocatePointInScene' function.<br>' Use the tool to click on a feature in the scene, and a message<br>' box will display the x, y, and z coordinates of the location clicked,<br>' after being converted from the screen coordinates.<br>'<br>Private Sub UIToolControl1_MouseDown(ByVal button As Long, ByVal shift As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)<br> Dim pScene As IScene<br> Dim pSxDoc As ISxDocument<br> Set pSxDoc = ThisDocument<br> Set pScene = pSxDoc.Scene<br> <br> Dim pPt As IPoint<br> Set pPt = LocatePointInScene(pScene, x, y, esriScenePickAll)<br> <br> If Not pPt Is Nothing Then<br> MsgBox "Location clicked: " ; Format(pPt.x, "#####.###") ; ", " ; Format(pPt.y, "#####.###") ; ", " ; Format(pPt.Z, "#####.###")<br> End If<br> <br>End Sub<br>'<br>' use the designated Scene to return an IPoint at the given location<br>'<br>Public Function LocatePointInScene(pScene As IScene, x As Long, y As Long, nMode As esriScenePickMode, Optional pOutLayer As ILayer, Optional pOutFeature As IFeature) As IPoint<br> On Error GoTo err<br> ' point to the scene's scene graph object:<br> Dim pSG As ISceneGraph<br> Set pSG = pScene.SceneGraph<br> <br> ' point to the scene viewer:<br> Dim pViewer As ISceneViewer<br> Set pViewer = pSG.ActiveViewer<br> <br> ' declare return objects for the Locate command:<br> Dim pOwner As stdole.IUnknown<br> Dim pObject As stdole.IUnknown</PRE><PRE><FONT color=#ff0000> ' call the locate method of the scene graph.<br> ' (the output point is set to be returned automatically<br> ' as the function name below):<br> pSG.Locate pViewer, x, y, nMode, True, LocatePointInScene, pOwner, pObject</FONT></PRE><PRE> ' optionally return the found feature:<br> If Not IsMissing(pOutFeature) Then<br> If Not pObject Is Nothing Then<br> If TypeOf pObject Is IFeature Then<br> Set pOutFeature = pObject<br> End If<br> End If<br> End If<br> <br> ' optionally return the found layer:<br> If Not IsMissing(pOutLayer) Then<br> If Not pOwner Is Nothing Then<br> If TypeOf pOwner Is ILayer Then<br> Set pOutLayer = pOwner<br> End If<br> End If<br> End If<br> <br> ' free objects:<br> Set pOwner = Nothing<br> Set pObject = Nothing<br> Exit Function<br> <br>err:<br> <br>End Function</PRE></CODE> [此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-29 9:13:47编辑过]
发布于:2007-12-29 11:25
这个例子我看了,里面的esriScenePickMode只是简单的nMode As esriScenePickMode了一下,但是在c #里这样不行