<P>The interrelation between inheritance and groups is also displayed visually within the<BR>class hierarchy. When a class is not applicable, its color dot is displayed with a gray<BR>outline. If the class is applicable, the outline is black. When switching the classification<BR>settings from “without class-related features” to “with class-related features” the change of the outlines indicates which classes will be used depending on the classification settings. In the example below, the two child classes contain class-related features and the parent class contains only object features. Therefore, only the parent class is active without class-related features, while only the child classes are used when classifying with class-related features.</P>
<P>这是eCognition 的userguild 256页中的一段话。我主要是不太明白第二句When a class is not applicable, its color dot is displayed with a gray outline. If the class is applicable, the outline is black.中的“color dot ”是什么意思,我在软件里没有看见“gray outline”“black outline” 啊。哪位大虾帮忙解决一下。谢谢啦</P> |
发布于:2008-04-30 17:31
<P>color dot 解释: </P>
<P> 当在一个继承类层次结构中,你所选择的类如果可用,那么你所创建的该类的小"图标"(一个自定义颜色的圆圈圈~)的边缘就会以彩色轮廓显示,当你所选择的类如果不可用,那么这个小类的图标的外轮廓就以灰色显示~~ 多实验几次操作就可以看明白了~</P> |