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[原创]FME函数速查手册(1)-Transformer Quick-Reference(1)

更多 发布于:2006-08-19 09:11
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0>

<TD width=121>
<P align=left><B>Transformer
<TD width=331>
<P align=left><B>Brief Description
<TD width=185>
<P align=left><B>简介(注意并非针对本文,可能有差异)</B><B>
<TD width=121>
<P align=left>2DArcReplacer
<TD vAlign=top width=331>
<P align=left>Replaces the geometry of the feature with a two-dimensional arc whose shape is set by the parameters, which can be either constant floating point values or the values of existing attributes.
<TD width=185>
<P align=left>改为二维圆弧,圆弧的形状由参数控制,例如常数或属性值
<TD width=121>
<P align=left>2DBoxReplacer
<TD width=331>
<P align=left>Replaces the geometry of the feature with a two-dimensional box whose minimums and maximums are fixed val-ues, or are taken from attributes in the original feature.
<TD width=185>
<P align=left>改为二维矩形,矩形的最大最小坐标为指定的常数或原始要素的属性值
<TD width=121>
<P align=left>2DCreator
<TD width=331>
<P align=left>Creates a two-dimensional feature using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
<TD width=185>
<P align=left>根据参数创建二维要素,并输入转换流程
<TD width=121>
<P align=left>2DEllipseReplacer
<TD width=331>
<P align=left>Replaces the geometry of the feature with a two-dimensional ellipse whose shape is set by the parameters.
<TD width=185>
<P align=left>改为二维椭圆,椭圆的形状由参数控制
<TD width=121>
<P align=left>2DForcer
<TD width=331>
<P align=left>Removes any elevation (Z) coordinates which may (or may not) have been present on the original feature.
<TD width=185>
<P align=left>改为二维要素(删除Z坐标)
<TD width=121>
<P align=left>2DGridCreator
<TD width=331>
<P align=left>Creates a grid of two-dimensional point features, at the origin and using the offsets specified.
<TD width=185>
<P align=left>按格网方式生成一批二维点状要素,须指定原点和间距
<TD width=121>
<P align=left>2DGridReplacer
<TD vAlign=top width=331>
<P align=left>Replaces the input features with a grid of two-dimensional point features that have the specified spacing, and which cover (at least) the bounding box area of all the features that enter the transformer.
<TD width=185>
<P align=left>将输入的一批要素改为按格网方式生成的二维点状要素,格网的范围(至少)覆盖全部输入要素的外接矩形,格网间距须指定
<TD width=121>
<P align=left>2DPointAdder
<TD width=331>
<P align=left>Adds a two-dimensional point as the last vertex of the feature. The ordinates are taken from attributes in the original feature.
<TD width=185>
<P align=left>给要素增加一个二维的节点(最后一个节点),其坐标由原始要素的属性获得
<TD width=121>
<P align=left>2DPointReplacer
<TD width=331>
<P align=left>Replaces the geometry of the feature with a two-dimensional point whose ordinates are taken from attributes in the original feature.
<TD width=185>
<P align=left>改为二维的点,其坐标由原始要素的属性获得
<TD width=121>
<P align=left>3DArcReplacer
<TD vAlign=top width=331>
<P align=left>Replaces the geometry of the feature with a two-dimensional arc whose shape is set by the parameters, which can be either constant floating point values or the values of existing attributes.
<TD width=185>
<P align=left>改为二维圆弧(注:原文如此),圆弧的形状由参数控制,例如常数或属性值
<TD width=121>
<P align=left>3DCreator
<TD width=331>
<P align=left>Creates a three-dimensional feature using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
<TD width=185>
<P align=left>根据参数创建三维要素,并输入转换流程
<TD width=121>
<P align=left>3DForcer
<TD width=331>
<P align=left>Sets all the Z coordinates of the feature to the value of the specified attribute (or the entered floating point number).
<TD width=185>
<P align=left>改为三维要素,Z坐标由指定的属性或常数获得
<TD width=121>
<P align=left>3DInterpolator
<TD width=331>
<P align=left>Interpolates elevation values along a linear feature from a starting value to an ending value.
<TD width=185>
<P align=left>三维插值:沿着一个线状要素、根据起始值和结束值内插高程
<TD width=121>
<P align=left>3DPointAdder
<TD width=331>
<P align=left>Adds a three-dimensional point as the last vertex of the feature. The ordinates are taken from attributes in the original feature.
<TD width=185>
<P align=left>给要素增加一个三维的节点(最后一个节点),其坐标由原始要素的属性获得
<TD width=121>
<P align=left>3DPointReplacer
<TD width=331>
<P align=left>Replaces the geometry of the feature with a three-dimensional point whose ordinates are taken from attributes in the original feature.
<TD width=185>
<P align=left>改为三维的点,其坐标由原始要素的属性获得
<TD width=121>
<P align=left>Affiner
<TD width=331>
<P align=left>Performs an affine transformation on the coordinates of the feature.
<TD width=185>
<P align=left>坐标仿射变换
<TD width=121>
<P align=left>AffineWarper
<TD width=331>
<P align=left>Performs warping operations on the spatial coordinates of features. It is used to adjust a set of observed features so they more closely match some set of reference features.
<TD width=185>
<P align=left>仿射纠正,用于纠正一批要素使之最接近参考要素
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-19 9:39:47编辑过]
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发布于:2007-05-21 21:42
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发布于:2007-10-18 12:31
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发布于:2008-07-23 13:42
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