既然做了就做好他吧 将我所有的在网上下的东东都贴出来 欢迎大家指点的 |
发布于:2003-07-28 10:22
数据绑定 CMapXBindLayer bLayer; CMapXFields flds; bLayer.CreateDispatch(bLayer.GetClsid()); flds.CreateDispatch(flds.GetClsid()); //Our source data in the correct tab-delimited form. //In practice, this could come from a text file or some //other source. const char* tabifiedData = "\"Cust1\"\t\"Loc1\"\t-72.40\t42.22\r\n" "\"Cust2\"\t\"Loc2\"\t-75.40\t40.48\r\n" "\"Cust3\"\t\"Loc3\"\t-76.40\t38.02\r\n"; bLayer.SetLayerName("Customer"); bLayer.SetRefColumn1(3); bLayer.SetRefColumn2(4); bLayer.SetLayerType(miBindLayerTypeXY); flds.Add(1, "Customer"); flds.Add(2, "Location"); flds.Add(3, "X"); flds.Add(4, "Y"); //The global handle which will contain the actual data. HGLOBAL hGlobalData=NULL; //This temporarily points to the location of the locked //handle's data char* pHandleData=NULL; COleVariant SourceData; //Allocate space for the handle's data and copy the source //data into it hGlobalData = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, strlen(tabifiedData)+1); pHandleData = (char*)GlobalLock(hGlobalData); strcpy(pHandleData, tabifiedData); GlobalUnlock(hGlobalData); pHandleData = NULL; //Point the SourceData variant at the global handle SourceData.vt = VT_I4; SourceData.lVal = (long)hGlobalData; try { //Now add the Dataset to the Datasets collection COleVariant bindVt, fldsVt; COptionalVariant optVt; fldsVt.vt = VT_DISPATCH; fldsVt.pdispVal = flds.m_lpDispatch; bindVt.vt = VT_DISPATCH; bindVt.pdispVal = bLayer.m_lpDispatch; CMapXDataset ds = m_ctrlMapX.GetDatasets().Add(miDataSetGlobalHandle, SourceData, COleVariant("My Dataset"), COleVariant(1l), optVt, bindVt, fldsVt, optVt); //Create a simple Theme from the data ds.GetThemes().Add(COptionalVariant(), COptionalVariant(), COptionalVariant()); } catch (COleDispatchException *e) { e->ReportError(); e->Delete(); } catch (COleException *e) { e->ReportError(); e->Delete(); } |