AutodeskMap 3D 中文教程(第一章)
<P>AutodeskMap 3D 中文教程(第一章)<BR>我根据自己的理解逐步将英文教程翻译成中文,我没多少时间,大概每天翻译一节。括号内是我根据自己的经验作的注释,希望加深大家的理解。大家有什么不理解的请回贴(要赞扬的也请回贴,呵呵)<BR>第一章<BR>Creating and Working with Drawings <BR> </P>
<P>One of the most important features of Autodesk Map™ is the ability to work with data from several source drawings at one time. The process of selecting source drawings, making them available, and repeatedly defining certain parameters is tedious if values have to be entered every time you want to work with source drawings. Instead, information can be saved in the current drawing. </P> <P>Note This tutorial shows you how to create a drive alias and set up a new drawing. You must complete both of these exercises first in order to complete any of the other Autodesk Map tutorials. </P> <P>创建和使用图形<BR>AutodeskMap的最重要的功能之一就是能够同时操作多个源图形的数据。(也就是可以对相关的多个图形同时进行操作。例如,你有一个本市的地图,又有一个下水道管网图,在Map中可以同时显示和操作这两个文件。)。<BR>如果每次使用源图形都需要重复选择源图形-激活源图形-定义参数的操作,这个过程就会很枯燥。事实上,这些信息(例如你要同时操作的图形名称,需要操作的对象等信息)可以存放在当前图形中。<BR>这个课程教你如何创建驱动器别名并设置一个新的图形。你必须完成这些练习才能继续后面的教程。</P> |
发布于:2007-02-12 12:11
好东西!!赞赞赞!!<img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif" />
发布于:2007-06-18 15:28
<P><img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif" /><img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif" /><img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif" /><img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif" /><img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif" /><img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif" /></P>
<P>还有没有啊</P> |
发布于:2008-05-19 21:52