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发布于:2005-11-15 13:13
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从一粒沙子看到一个世界, 从一朵野花看到一个天堂, 把握在你手心里的就是无限, 永恒也就消融于一个时辰。
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发布于:2005-11-15 16:30
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发布于:2005-11-16 13:34
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>鸟语花香</I>在2005-11-15 16:30:56的发言:</B><BR>金牌卧底,你好,不过在arcview中eoo是如何打开呢?不打开,是没法转换成shp的。</DIV>
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发布于:2005-11-16 13:54
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发布于:2005-11-17 14:12
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>鸟语花香</I>在2005-11-16 13:54:43的发言:</B><BR>请问e00extension在哪里找,我的arcview3.2中没有这样的extension?</DIV>
<br>在安装目录的bin目录里有个<U><FONT color=#551a8b>Import71.exe  可以用来导入数据</FONT></U>
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发布于:2005-11-17 14:12
<P><B>A. Manual method of importing files</B><BR>1.a. Preparation: This program must be run from a local computer.
<P>1.b. Before decompressing .Z files or importing .e00 files, create an individual destination directory for the input and processed files. Example: For decompressing a county boundary file for Okanogan County called cb.Z, copy the file to a temporary directory such as c:\temp\ and specify that the decompressed files go there. The same process is followed for .ZIP files, but note that some files are .Z files within .ZIP files which require two decompressions. After a successful decompression, a file with the .e00 extension will be created in the c:\temp directory. When importing files intended as permanent files, it is best to direct files created by the import process into a destination directory with a meaningful name so that it can then be moved to a permanent file location. For example, in importing a county boundary file for Okanogan County called c:/temp/cb.e00, create a subdirectory in the folder such as c:\temp\cb and copy the cb.e00 file to that directory before exporting. Following the import, the entire directory can be moved to a preferred location, and the .e00 file deleted.
<P>1.c. Decompress any files saved with a ‘.Z’ extension by double-clicking them, e.g., cb.e00.Z expands to yield cb.e00
<P>1.d. After successfully expanding the .Z files, they can be deleted.
<P>2.a. Start the program import71 and browse to find the .e00 import file (called the <I>Export filename</I> in Import71). Select that file and its directory path as the input file (in the example below, f:\temp\cb\cb.e00).
<P>2.b. Specify the output file destination and without a path and without the e00 extension (called the <I>Output Data Source</I> in Import71). An easy way to do this is to cut and paste the path and filename prefix into the Output Data Source Dialog as shown below. The following example will export the file f:/temp/cb.eoo into a subdirectory f:/temp/cb/
<P>There is no hourglass - you will know if the program is working if it becomes grayed out; if the window just disappears, that usually means that it didn't accept the data.
<P>If the import71 utility fails, try using the old import.exe utility. This utility runs in DOS or Windows and is slightly more difficult to use, but often works when Import71 does not.
<P>The import process may take a while for larger files (say, more than ten seconds for 100 MB). Be patient. When the program is finished a small box appears saying <I>Import Complete</I>. After the Import Complete notice, start ArcView and check that the coverage displays properly.</P>
<P>When the import completes, the data will be expanded into the destination folder, along with an info file if one was originally present.
<P><IMG src="http://www.okanogan1.com/natural/research/arcview_tutor/Import71/folders.png" border=1></CENTER>
<P>Some import files only contain an info directory. In this case the data is probably related to another coverage that created the info directory. It may be best to just accept the given name for the import process, since there needs to be a common field to relate this data to the main coverage. Relating this table to the main coverage is done after the import, by adding the coverage, then clicking the table project button, and then clicking the Add Table button and browsing to the name of the info file. The fields used to join the tables are each clicked, the destination table is highlighted, and the button Table - Join Table is clicked. </P>
<P>After successfully expanding the .e00 files, the e00 files can be deleted to save computer space.</P>
<P><B><FONT size=+0>B. Batch Conversion of E00 files</FONT></B></P>
<P>Batch importing of e00 files can be done with the script <B><I>import711.ave</I></B>. This is an Avenue script by Tim Johnson (last modified, Aug 30 1999), and available at the ESRI ArcScripts site. This script allows batch conversion of ArcInfo Export files using the Import71 utility included in ArcView. When finished running within a View window, it gives a choice of adding the imported themes to the View. This function requires Import71.exe to be in the \bin directory or on some installations \BIN32 directory.</P>
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  • 注册日期2003-07-16
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发布于:2005-11-17 14:14
<H3>IMPORT71</H3>IMPORT71 is a stand-alone program that converts an ARC/INFO interchange file created on any other operating system into a ARC/INFO 7.x coverage or grid. If you receive ARC/INFO data in interchange format you can use IMPORT71 to convert it to a data source in a format that can be added to a project or view in ArcView (or used in other mapping programs).(Source: ArcView 3.2 help) If you have ArcView GIS you already have IMPORT71... hopefully you know this! For you non-ArcView users, Import71 can also be downloaded from the GeoCommunity software resources. Go to <a href="http://software.geocomm.com/translators/arcview/" target="_blank" >http://software.geocomm.com/translators/arcview/</A> to download it.<BR><BR>Steps to run Import71:<BR><BR>
<LI>download import71.exe (1.9 mb)
<LI>run install
<LI>program should now exist in C:\Program Files\ESRI\Import71
<LI>run import71.exe
<LI>specify an import file (the .E00 file)
<LI>specify a location for the resulting output coverage (enter the full directory path and coverage name - no extension needed) <BR><BR>
<CENTER><IMG src="http://spatialnews.geocomm.com/education/tutorials/e00data/import71-1.jpg"></CENTER><BR><BR>
<LI>in this example we are importing a US county data coverage called cntys.e00. The resulting coverage will be store in a directory called "county", note an "info" directory is also created.
<LI>you now have an ARC/INFO coverage that can be acced by a number of programs (including ArcView of course) <BR><BR>
<H3>Using the resulting ARC/INFO coverage</H3><B>ArcView</B> - Add Theme/Data Source Type "Feature Data source". Select coverage "county" <BR><BR>
<CENTER><IMG src="http://spatialnews.geocomm.com/education/tutorials/e00data/import71-2.jpg"></CENTER><BR><BR>To convert to ArcView .SHP format - Select Theme/Convert to Shape Coverage<BR><BR>
<CENTER><IMG src="http://spatialnews.geocomm.com/education/tutorials/e00data/import71-3.jpg"></CENTER><BR><BR><B>GeoMedia</B> - start GeoMedia<BR><BR>
<LI>Creat a new GeoWorkspace
<LI>Warehouse/New connection
<CENTER><IMG src="http://spatialnews.geocomm.com/education/tutorials/e00data/import71-4.jpg"></CENTER><BR><BR>
<LI>assign a connection name and description
<LI>assign the ArcInfo workspace folder (this is the directory where the ARCINFO coverage exists - not the name of the coverage itself.<BR><BR>
<CENTER><IMG src="http://spatialnews.geocomm.com/education/tutorials/e00data/import71-5.jpg"></CENTER><BR><BR>
<LI>select access all features in the warehouse
<LI>let the wizard open as read-only
<LI>To view select Legend/Add FeatureClass County_area (county area features)<BR><BR>
<CENTER><IMG src="http://spatialnews.geocomm.com/education/tutorials/e00data/import71-6.jpg"></CENTER><BR><BR>
<H3>E00 Viewer</H3>If you just simply want to view a E00 coverage there are a number of data viewing tools available to help you. Visit our Software/Viewers <a href="http://software.geocomm.com/viewers/" target="_blank" >http://software.geocomm.com/viewers/</A><BR><BR>The most recent addition to these free products is GeoMatica?FreeView from PCI Geomatics This free geomatics software package will allow users to quickly and easily view data directly in a number of common data formats including E00, MIF, DEM, DLG, SDTS, and many more. FreeView can be found at www.pcigeomatics.com. <BR><BR>
<CENTER><IMG src="http://spatialnews.geocomm.com/education/tutorials/e00data/import71-7.jpg"></CENTER><BR><BR>This program will enables viewing E00 data directly without any translation. Additionally, users can use the "View Layer Attributes" option to view spatial attributes associated with data features.<BR><BR>
<CENTER><IMG src="http://spatialnews.geocomm.com/education/tutorials/e00data/import71-8.jpg"></CENTER></LI>
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