为什么我的Arcgis 9.0 Licence manager老是安装不成功啊??
<P>为什么我的Arcgis 9.0 Licence manager老是安装不成功啊??</P>
<P>我是按照安装步骤来了的啊。以前在学校都是一装就好了</P> <P>现在是装了好多次都是一样的问题。到底是在安装时导入Licence文件还是选择下面那个by fax啊??大家给个答案吧</P><img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em12.gif" /> |
发布于:2005-11-14 14:35
<P>ARCGIS LICENSE MANAGER :<BR>------------------------<BR>1./ Install ArcGis License Manager<BR>2./ Select "I received the license by fax" then click on CREATE ; EDIT<BR>3./ Enter "NNISO WE LOVE YOU" ; click on OK (ignore the following errors)<BR> click next and finish the installation<BR>4./ DONT RESTART YOUR COMPUTER<BR>5./ Copy arcgis.exe ; license.dat (in Crack/ESRI.rar) to the installed directory<BR> (c:\program files\esri\license\arcgis9x) overwrite<BR>6./ Edit license.dat , replacing WORKSTATION by your hostname<BR>7./ Start lmtools (License Manager Tools)<BR>8./ Click on Configuration using Services and choose "ArgGIS license server"<BR>9./ Then Click Configure Services ans set<BR> Path to the license file : <BR> c:\program files\esri\license\arcgis9x\license.dat (for instance) <BR> <BR>10./ Click on Save Service<BR>11./ Click on Start/Stop/Reread ; Start Server<BR> You can Click on Server Diagnostic to make sure all went fine.</P> <P>12./ You are done - Congrats</P> <P>ARCGIS DESKTOP :<BR>---------------<BR>1./ Install ArcGIS Desktop <BR> select as license server the one you just installed.<BR> (it will ask you ...)<BR>2./ When you finished you will be asked if you want to install<BR> -Tutorial<BR> -Developer Kit<BR> -Crystal Report<BR> <BR> Tutorial is on CD1 (the one you are installing from)<BR> Developer Kit is on CD2<BR> Crystal Report UNSELECT it, it has already been released<BR> in even a newer version .. so we didnt include that.<BR></P> |