发布于:2016-04-28 12:12
What is ADF? ADF is the file extension for the Arc/Info Binary Grid format. It is one of the two raster GIS (geographic information system) file formats developed by ESRI Corp., the other being the ARC/INFO ASCII Grid format. Whereas the ASCII format is used exclusively as an exchange or export format, the binary format is mainly used within the ESRI programs, like the ArcGIS and ArcView. The ADF file consists of binary grids stored in several files which are contained within at least two directories – the name directory and the info directory. These files include the dblbnd.adf (which contains the boundaries of the utilized portions of the grid), the hdr.adf (which is the header file containing information on the number of tiles and the tile size), the sta.adf (containing raster statistics, like the raster minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation), vat.adf (with the value attribute table), the prj.adf (contains the projections and parameters), the tic.adf (with the tic coordinates), the w001001.adf (containing the actual raster data), and the w001001x.adf (this index file contains pointers to each of the tiles in the w001001.adf file). These files, which form the grid coverage, are stored in different directories, making it easy to read and write the files. The Arc/Info Binary Grid is a user-friendly proprietary format, which has a varied set of compression possibilities. It is used as a Desktop GIS software package by the worldwide community. To convert ADF to TIFF, JPEG, PDF, BMP, PNG use Total GIS Converter. This article is translated to Serbo-Croatian language by WHG Team. |