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微软将.NET Micro Framework开源

更多 发布于:2009-11-17 08:45
微软今天在洛杉矶微软专业开发者大会上宣布基于Apache 2.0许可发布.NET Micro Framework的源码到开源社区,他们还表示将创建一个社区帮助塑造产品的未来发展方向。<BR><BR>不过嵌入式领域的程序员们无需高兴的太早,完整的代码并没有提供,例如关键的来自第三方EBSNet的TCP/IP协议栈以及密码系统库都无法被释放。今年五月,微软宣布拥抱开源,让部分平台成为社会支持的项目。<BR><BR>Microsoft to Open Source the .NET Micro Framework<BR><BR><BR><BR>Microsoft to Open Source the .NET Micro Framework <BR>by Peter Galli on November 16, 2009 09:16AM<BR><BR><BR>I have great news to announce. Today, at the Microsoft Professional Developer Conference (PDC) here in Los Angeles, we announced not only the release of version 4.0 of the.NET Micro Framework, but also that we are open sourcing the product and making it available under the Apache 2.0 license, which is already being used by the community within the embedded space.<BR><BR>The .NET Micro Framework,a development and execution environment for resource-constrained devices, was initially developed inside the Microsoft Startup Business Accelerator, but recently moved to the Developer Division so as to be more closely aligned with the overall direction of Microsoft development efforts. <BR><BR>The result of this is that the .NET Micro Framework has become a seamless development experience, bringing a single programming model and tool chain for the breadth of developer solutions, all the way from small intelligent devices, to servers and the cloud. There are also no more time-limited versions.<BR><BR>Including the source code for almost all of the product also ensures that developers now also get access to the Base Class Libraries that were implemented for .NET Micro Framework and the CLR code itself.<BR><BR>However, both the TCP/IP stack and Cryptography libraries are not included in the source code. Program Manager Colin Miller told me this was because the TCP/IP stack is third party software that Microsoft licenses from EBSNet, so we do not have the rights to distribute that source code. If someone needs to access the source code for the TCP/IP stack, they can contact EBSNet directly. <BR><BR>As for the Cyptography libraries, they are not included in source code because they are used outside of the scope of the .NET Micro Framework. Customers who need to have access to the code in the cryptography functions will find that these libraries can be replaced, Miller said.<BR><BR>I asked Miller what the future plans for the .Net Micro Framework were, and he made clear that Microsoft intends to remain actively involved in its ongoing development, working alongside the community. While the license will allow customers to take the code and make specialized versions to fit their needs, customers told us they wanted Microsoft to stay involved to avoid any possible fragmentation of the platform.<BR><BR>"As such, we are planning on establishing a core technology team that is made up of both Microsoft and non-Microsoft contributors that continues the goals of producing a high quality product for very small devices. This group will act as the gateway to community contributions while, at the same time, Microsoft Developers will continue add functionality and coordinate with the overall .NET team," he said.<BR><BR>Microsoft is also in the process of forming a community of interested and involved members to help shape the future direction of the product. There will be a core technology team that is composed of Microsoft and external partners, and people will be encouraged to propose projects, which will be vetted before they are accepted. <BR><BR><P>"The site will also support people building extensions that exist alongside the platform rather than being integrated into it, " Miller told me.<BR></P><P><BR></P>
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  • 注册日期2003-07-25
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发布于:2009-11-17 08:46
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发布于:2009-11-17 13:37
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