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Dipsanoside B manufacturers

更多 发布于:2019-07-30 09:23
Chengdu Biopurify Phytochemicals Ltd. is a leading company in the research, development, manufacture and marketing of High Quality Phytochemicals and Extracts(especially Active Ingredients from TCM), Natural Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients worldwide. From small quantities for R&D or reference standard, to large quantities for customizing or manufacturing, Biopurify emphasizes on consistent and reliable services for his customers.
Our Main Services
A. Supply high quality extracts, phytochemicals and reference standards of TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine)
B. Custom extraction and purification, target TCM Active Ingredients(TCM extract monomers)
C. Custom synthesis and semi-synthesis for Active Ingredients
D. CR (contract research), CM (contract manufacture) and PD (process development) services from lab scale, pilot scale to commercial scale(GMP is also available)
E. TCM compounds library for drug screen,more than 3000 compounds available, many of them are rare and unique.
We have Preparation HPLC, membrane isolation etc. equipments for isolation and purification, and suitable equipments for the detection of TCM ingredients, such as Waters HPLC DAD-ELSD, CAD(Corona Charged Aerosol Detection), LC-MS.
Taking advantage of Chengdu's various natural resources and powerful scientific research centers in Southwest of China, we are confident in offering our customer with comprehensive valuable services. With excellent quality products and good service, we have clients from more than a dozen countries and regions, and we pride ourselves in providing our customers with a total satisfaction experiences. We are doing our best to be your reliable partner for high quality Phytochemicals and Reference Standards from china.
We are a phytochemical company specialized in the extraction of Chinese herb and various other ingredients from plants. We can not only supply the high purity reference substance for R&D and QC,but also can supply ingredients for industial production.
We are committed to keeping all of our products in stock for immediate delivery, to providing ------ Good services, high quality products and competitive prices.
A brief of our management
Haifeng Xie President
Mr. Haifeng Xie graduated in Pharmaceutical Analysis from China Pharmaceutical University in 1999; He is now a senior engineer and has long been engaged in drug R&D; Isolation, purificationand identification study of nature product and TCM effective ingredients.
Kylin Xie Vice President
Mr. kylin Xie graduated in Biochemistry from Lanzhou University in 1991; he is a senior engineer and licensed pharmacist. Who has more than 20 years experience of isolation and purification study. He has been engaged in isolation and purification, production technology development of polypeptide and TCM effective ingredients. Rich R&D and quality management experiences for many years. He had been a long-standing quality vice president of pharmaceuticals company that have certified by FDA.
Chloe Hu Vice President
Ms. Chloe Hu graduated in Pharmacy from China Pharmaceutical University in 2000; she is a licensed pharmacist. and has been engaged in isolation and purification, production technology development of polypeptide and TCM effective Constituents since her graduation.
Production Manager of R&D
Mr. Jianlong Guo graduated from China Pharmaceutical University in 2011 and got his master  degree in Pharmacognosy. He has been engaged in isolation and purification, appraisal study of nature product and TCM effective Constituents since 2011.
Mr Bin Kuang graduated from the Kunming Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KIB/CAS) in 2012 and got his master degree in pharmaceutical chemistry. He has been engaged in the isolation, purification and appraisal study of natural products for more than 2 years and had published 2 papers in academic journals.Dipsanoside B manufacturers
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  • 注册日期2021-03-12
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发布于:2021-03-12 17:19
药物防治重点时期:矢尖蚧为第一福彩七乐彩 代若虫期,红蜡蚧为幼虫期大量上梢为害时期(一般为5月上、中旬至6月中旬),吹棉蚧为幼虫盛发阶段。常用药剂阴噻嗪酮、杀扑磷、苦参碱+烟碱、乐斯本、机油乳剂等。注意改善园内通风透光条件;保护和利用日本方头甲、红点唇瓢虫、草蛉、黄金蚜小蜂、极速飞艇 澳洲瓢虫、大红瓢虫等天敌新梢被害率达25%,应即时喷药防治。常用药剂有叮虫脒、乐果、丁硫克威等。应注意保护七星瓢虫、大草蛉、食蚜蝇、蚜小蜂等,剪除越冬虫卵,减少害虫基
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