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FAQ: Does the Web ADF for .NET version 9.2 support Microsoft AJAX 1.0?

更多 发布于:2008-04-11 00:01
    很多ags for .net的开发人员都会关心adf for .net 9.2是否支持 ajax 1.0,先看官方的建议:<BR><BR>    原文链接:<FONT face=Verdana size=2><a href=";d=33689" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Verdana size=2>;d=33689</FONT></A></FONT><BR><BR>1. Are the Web ADF 9.2 controls AJAX enabled?<BR>– Yes.<BR><BR>2. Do they use the same framework as Microsoft AJAX 1.0?<BR>– No. The Web ADF 9.2 controls use the Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 callback framework. Microsoft AJAX 1.0 uses a partial postback framework.<BR><BR>3. Can Web ADF 9.2 be used with Microsoft AJAX 1.0?<BR>- Yes and No.<BR><BR>Yes: AJAX 1.0 and Web ADF 9.2 controls can be used in the same Web application.<BR>N Web ADF 9.2 controls were not designed to be used within AJAX 1.0 controls, such as an UpdatePanel. Web ADF 9.2 controls were not designed to utilize the partial postback framework. Thus, explicit use of Web ADF 9.2 controls with Microsoft AJAX 1.0 controls and technology is not supported.<BR><BR>4. Do I need Microsoft AJAX 1.0 controls to take advantage of AJAX functionality in a 9.2 Web ADF application?<BR>- No. The Web ADF already utilizes AJAX technology provided by the Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 callback framework. Microsoft AJAX 1.0 provides the architecture to support controls that were not explicitly designed for AJAX. Since Web ADF 9.2 controls already support AJAX, they do not need Microsoft AJAX 1.0 to operate asynchronously. For example, a Map control does not need to be placed inside of an UpdatePanel because AJAX support for the Map control is already provided. In fact, the Map control can even be viewed as an UpdatePanel itself.<BR><BR>5. Which Web controls should I use with Microsoft AJAX 1.0?<BR>- In general, any Web control that 1) does not provide its own AJAX implementation or 2) explicitly supports Microsoft AJAX 1.0. The Web ADF 9.2 controls do not fit either of these requirements.<BR><BR>    我的体会是:1.adf编程使用callback framework,adf控件外的ASP.Net控件使用 ajax库。2.全部使用callback framework。
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发布于:2008-12-05 21:41
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