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关于建cache service的一些经验

更多 发布于:2008-03-26 17:10
Creating a cacheCreating a cache with ArcCatalog is performed with the following steps:<br>1.    In ArcCatalog, open an ArcGIS Server Management connection that hosts a standard map service that will be converted to a cached map service. <br>2.    Ensure that no clients are accessing the service that will be converted. <br>3.    Right-click on the map service, and select "Service Properties". <br>4.    Click the "Caching" tab. <br>5.    Choose a Server Cache Directory. The first cache directory listed alphabetically in the Directories panel of the server properties dialog will be the default cache directory for all map services. If it is necessary to specify a different cache directory, choose one from the drop-down list of available directories. <br>6.    Click the "Generate" button to launch the Generate Map Server Cache tool pre-populated with information from the map service. <br>7.    Do not change the contents of the "Host", "Map Server", "Data Frame" or "Server Cache Directory" fields. <br>8.    Elect to use a new or pre-defined tiling scheme. If you select pre-defined, you must provide a tiling scheme file by clicking on the File Selection Dialog button (indicated by a folder icon to the right of the "Predefined Tiling Scheme (optional)" text box. Proceed to step 13 you chose pre-defined; otherwise continue to step 9. <br>9.    Choose a tiling origin in units of the map service's default map frame coordinate reference. <br>10.    Define the scale levels that should be cached. The "STANDARD" scale option will auto-generate the scales based on the number defined in the "Number of Scales" field. The "CUSTOM" option permits choosing any scale-levels desired. After entering a value in the "Scales" text box, click the "+" button to add it to the list of scale levels. Note that you cannot enter a ratio; you must enter the scale factor. Therefore, entering a value of 2000 denotes a scale of 1:2000, entering 100 denotes a scale of 1:100, and so on. <br>11.    Choose the DPI (Dots per Inch) of the output cache tiles. The DPI should match the resolution of the output device that is used to view the map cache. If the DPI does not match the resolution of the output device, the scale of the map tile will appear incorrect. The default value of 96 is sufficient in most cases. <br>12.    Choose the Width and Height of the output cache tiles. <br>13.    Choose how many map service instances to use while generating the cache. <br>14.    Choose whether or not to use antialiasing. <br>15.    If a MULTI-LAYER cache type is desired (the default is FUSED), select MULTI-LAYER from the Cache Type (Optional) drop-down list. Input layers can then be selected. The "Add Value" button will never be enabled <br>16.    Click "OK" <br>17.    The tool will execute. After it finishes successfully, click the "Close" button to return to the "ArcGIS Server – Map Service Properties" panel. <br>18.    Note that information about the cache now populates the fields in the "Caching Tab". To finish the process, click "OK".<br>After creating the cache, the map service restarts (in order to read the new configuration information about its new cache) and becomes a cached map service. The cache now resides in the server cache directory in a sub-directory that has the same name as the parent map service.<br>If the map extent is changed in the map document, layers are added to or deleted from the map document, or if an additional level of detail is desired, the generate tool can be re-run. The generate tool is intelligent enough to know what tiles already exist and will only add new tiles where necessary. <br><br><br>关于建cache service的一些经验<br>1、启动同一个Server Object的多个instance,我一般启动8个instance;<br>2、建第10级cached service时,生成了400个目录,13万张图片,在我们的服务器上费时1个小时<br>3、创建cached service,时间较长,请将ArcGIS Server的serviced start time out时间和Server Object的max time a user can use a service设置的大一点,我一般设置3600000秒。<br>4、创建10级目录,时间会很长,请保证License Server在这段时间里面正常工作。<br>5、如果中途停止,不用担心,下次开始时,可以使用update继续创建。<br>6、请将log level 设置为5,也就是detail级别,虽然会产生大量的log,但是在你建服务失败时,这些log将是宝贵的分析资料<br>7、如果出现.net可以访问,CATLOG也可以访问,但是Java application无法访问的情况,一定要记得打开防火墙的7777端口,或者关闭防火墙测试。出现的错误为:Unable to activate SOM arcgis server。<br><br>
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