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更多 发布于:2007-07-17 14:17
<P> 大家好!</P>
<P>  初接触GIS,在应用中遇到这样一个问题,就是每个要素都需要一张图片,当用户点击要素的时候,显示图片,做数据库的在在FeatureClass表里建了个字段是Blob类型的,现在想问下,怎么把图片 存进去,怎么取出来 </P>
<P>        void mapControl_OnMouseDown(int button, int shift, int X, int Y, double mapX, double mapY)<BR>        {<BR>            try<BR>            {<BR>                if (button == LEFT_BUTTON)<BR>                {<BR>                    IPoint point = new PointClass();<BR>                    point.PutCoords(mapX, mapY);<BR>                    IFeature feature = featureGainer.GetFeatureByPositionFromMap(mapControl.Map<BR>                        , layers, point);<BR>                    int index = -1;<BR>                    if (feature != null<BR>                        ;; (index = feature.Fields.FindField(INNER_PICTURE_FIELD)) != -1)<BR>                    {<BR>                        // 上传图片<BR>                        object ob = feature.get_Value(index);</P>
<P>                        MessageBox.Show("" + feature.get_Value(index) + ob.GetType());<BR>                        IWorkspaceEdit workspace = DataHelper.GetWorkspace(feature);<BR>                        if (workspace.IsBeingEdited() <BR>                            ;; feature.get_Value(index) == System.DBNull.Value)<BR>                        {<BR>                            if (MessageBox.Show("该分支箱没有内部接线图,是否上传?", "消息"<BR>                                , MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.Yes)<BR>                            {<BR>                                if (this.openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)<BR>                                {<BR>                                    //FileStream fs = new FileStream(openFileDialog1.FileName, FileMode.Open);<BR>                                    Stream fs = this.openFileDialog1.OpenFile();<BR>                                    byte[] fileBuffer = new byte[fs.Length];<BR>                                    fs.Read(fileBuffer, 0, fileBuffer.Length);<BR>                                    //SqlBinary binary = new SqlBinary(fileBuffer);<BR>                                    SqlBytes sbs = new SqlBytes(fileBuffer);<BR>                                    workspace.StartEditOperation();<BR>                                    feature.set_Value(index, sbs);<BR>                                    feature.Store();<BR>                                    workspace.StopEditOperation();<BR>                                    MessageBox.Show("图片上传成功");<BR>                                }<BR>                            }<BR>                            return;<BR>                        }<BR>                        SqlBytes outsbs = (SqlBytes)(feature.get_Value(index));<BR>                        byte[] buffer = outsbs.Buffer;<BR>                        if (outsbs.Length == 0 || buffer.Length == 0)<BR>                        {<BR>                            MessageBox.Show("对不起,没有内部接线图");<BR>                            return;<BR>                        }<BR>                        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(buffer);<BR>                        Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(ms);<BR>                        string featureInfo = "分支箱:" + feature.OID + "   内部接线图";<BR>                        this.ShowInfo(featureInfo, bitmap);<BR>                    }<BR>                }<BR>            }<BR>            catch (COMException ex)<BR>            {</P>
<P>                MessageBox.Show(ex.StackTrace + "\n" + ex.ErrorCode);<BR>            }<BR>        }</P>
<P>点击获得要素是没问题的,但是就是存不进去,每次到 workspace.StopEditOperation();</P>
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  • 注册日期2003-07-16
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发布于:2007-07-19 15:10
<P>下面是个 例子,可以 参考 ,blog字段可以保存 图片,也可以 保存 任何 的 文件格式 的 文件 </P>
<P>The code below below shows how to save pictures to blobs ; how a picture in a blob can be used to populate a picture element on a layout.  <BR>  Sub Test()<BR>    <BR>    Dim pBlobTable As ITable<BR>    ' (creates it if it doesn't already exist)<BR>    Set pBlobTable = GetBlobTable("D:\arcgis\sampledata\MyGDB.mdb", "MyBlobs")<BR>    If pBlobTable Is Nothing Then Exit Sub<BR>    <BR>    Dim pPictDisp As IPictureDisp<BR>    Set pPictDisp = LoadPicture("D:\Pictureblobs.bmp")<BR>    <BR>    ' save the picture to the blob<BR>    Picture2Blob pBlobTable, pPictDisp, "MyNewPicture"<BR>        <BR>    ' restore a previously saved picture<BR>    Set pPictDisp = Blob2Picture(pBlobTable, "MyPicture")<BR>    <BR>    ' add the picture to the layout<BR>    If pPictDisp Is Nothing Then<BR>        Debug.Print "unable to load picture from blob"<BR>    Else<BR>        Dim pEnv As IEnvelope<BR>        Set pEnv = New Envelope<BR>        pEnv.PutCoords 1, 1, 2, 2 ' location on the layout for the element<BR>        Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument<BR>        Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument<BR>        AddPictureToLayout pPictDisp, pMxDoc.PageLayout, pEnv<BR>    End If<BR>    <BR>End Sub</P>
<P>Sub AddPictureToLayout(pPictDisp As IPictureDisp, pGC As IGraphicsContainer, _<BR>                       pEnv As IEnvelope)<BR>    ' there's probably a better way to do this where<BR>    ' you don't write it to a file<BR>    SavePicture pPictDisp, "C:\temp\junk.bmp"<BR>    Dim pPictElement As IPictureElement<BR>    Set pPictElement = New BmpPictureElement<BR>    pPictElement.ImportPictureFromFile "C:\temp\junk.bmp"<BR>    pPictElement.SavePictureInDocument = True<BR>    pPictElement.MaintainAspectRatio = True<BR>    Dim dEnvAspRatio As Double<BR>    dEnvAspRatio = pEnv.Width / pEnv.Height<BR>    <BR>    If pPictElement.PictureAspectRatio > dEnvAspRatio Then<BR>        pEnv.Expand pPictElement.PictureAspectRatio / dEnvAspRatio, 1#, True<BR>    Else<BR>        pEnv.Expand 1#, dEnvAspRatio / pPictElement.PictureAspectRatio, True<BR>    End If</P>
<P>    Dim pElement As IElement<BR>    Set pElement = pPictElement<BR>    pElement.Geometry = pEnv<BR>    pGC.AddElement pElement, 0<BR>    Dim pAV As IActiveView<BR>    Set pAV = pGC<BR>    pAV.PartialRefresh esriViewGraphics, pElement, Nothing<BR>End Sub</P>
<P>Function Blob2Picture(pBlobTable As ITable, strName As String) As IPictureDisp<BR>    ' using Name as a key, retrieve the picture from the blob field<BR>    <BR>    Dim pRow As IRow<BR>    Set pRow = GetBlobRow(pBlobTable, strName, False)<BR>    If Not pRow Is Nothing Then<BR>        Dim pMemBlobStream As IMemoryBlobStream<BR>        Set pMemBlobStream = pRow.Value(pRow.Fields.FindField("Blob"))<BR>        <BR>        Dim pPersistStream As IPersistStream<BR>        Set pPersistStream = New StdPicture<BR>        <BR>        pPersistStream.Load pMemBlobStream<BR>        Set Blob2Picture = pPersistStream<BR>    Else<BR>        Debug.Print "no row found for : " ; strName<BR>        Set Blob2Picture = Nothing<BR>    End If<BR>End Function</P>
<P>Function GetBlobTable(strPath As String, strName As String) As ITable<BR>    Dim pWSF As IWorkspaceFactory<BR>    Set pWSF = New AccessWorkspaceFactory<BR>    <BR>    Dim pFWS As IFeatureWorkspace<BR>    Set pFWS = pWSF.OpenFromFile(strPath, 0)<BR>    <BR>    On Error Resume Next<BR>    Set GetBlobTable = pFWS.OpenTable(strName)<BR>    If GetBlobTable Is Nothing Then<BR>        Set GetBlobTable = CreateBlobTable(strPath, strName)<BR>    End If<BR>End Function</P>
<P>Sub Picture2Blob(pBlobTable As ITable, pPictDisp As IPictureDisp, strName As String)<BR>    ' saves the picture to a blob<BR>    <BR>    Dim pMemBlobStream As IMemoryBlobStream<BR>    Set pMemBlobStream = New MemoryBlobStream<BR>    <BR>    Dim pPersistStream As IPersistStream<BR>    Set pPersistStream = pPictDisp<BR>    pPersistStream.Save pMemBlobStream, False<BR>    <BR>    Dim pRow As IRow<BR>    Set pRow = GetBlobRow(pBlobTable, strName, True)<BR>    pRow.Value(pRow.Fields.FindField("Name")) = strName<BR>    pRow.Value(pRow.Fields.FindField("Blob")) = pMemBlobStream<BR>    pRow.Store<BR>    <BR>End Sub</P>
<P>Function GetBlobRow(pBlobTable As ITable, strName As String, _<BR>                      Optional bCreate As Boolean = False) As IRow<BR>    Dim pQF As IQueryFilter<BR>    Set pQF = New QueryFilter<BR>    pQF.WhereClause = "[Name] = '" ; strName ; "'"<BR>    Set GetBlobRow = pBlobTable.Search(pQF, False).NextRow<BR>    ' if no row was found ...<BR>    If GetBlobRow Is Nothing And bCreate Then<BR>        Set GetBlobRow = pBlobTable.CreateRow ' ... then create one<BR>    End If<BR>End Function</P>
<P>Function CreateBlobTable(strPath As String, strName As String) As ITable<BR>    Dim pWSF As IWorkspaceFactory<BR>    Set pWSF = New AccessWorkspaceFactory<BR>    <BR>    Dim pFWS As IFeatureWorkspace<BR>    Set pFWS = pWSF.OpenFromFile(strPath, 0)<BR>            <BR>    On Error Resume Next<BR>    If pFWS.OpenTable(strName) Is Nothing Then<BR>        Dim pCLSID As New UID<BR>        pCLSID.Value = "esriCore.Object"<BR>        Set CreateBlobTable = pFWS.Createtable(strName, MakeFields, _<BR>                                               pCLSID, Nothing, "")<BR>    Else<BR>        ' don't create it if it already exists, just open it<BR>        Set CreateBlobTable = pFWS.OpenTable(strName)<BR>    End If<BR>End Function</P>
<P>Function MakeFields() As IFields<BR>    Dim pFldsEdit As IFieldsEdit<BR>    Set pFldsEdit = New Fields<BR>    <BR>    Dim pFldEdit As IFieldEdit<BR>    ' make the OID field<BR>    Set pFldEdit = New Field<BR>    With pFldEdit<BR>        .IsNullable = False<BR>        .Name = "OBJECTID"<BR>        .Type = esriFieldTypeOID<BR>        .Editable = True<BR>        .Required = True<BR>    End With<BR>    pFldsEdit.AddField pFldEdit<BR>    <BR>    ' make the Name field<BR>    Set pFldEdit = New Field<BR>    pFldEdit.Name = "Name"<BR>    pFldEdit.Type = esriFieldTypeString<BR>    pFldEdit.Length = 50<BR>    pFldsEdit.AddField pFldEdit<BR>    ' make the blob field<BR>    Set pFldEdit = New Field<BR>    pFldEdit.Name = "Blob"<BR>    pFldEdit.Type = esriFieldTypeBlob<BR>    'pfldedit.Length = ???<BR>    pFldsEdit.AddField pFldEdit<BR>    Set MakeFields = pFldsEdit<BR>End Function</P>
<P> <BR></P>
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  • 注册日期2007-06-17
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发布于:2007-07-20 11:36
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