  • 注册日期2006-01-20
  • 发帖数56
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[原创]FME函数速查手册(4)-Transformer Quick-Reference(4)

更多 发布于:2006-08-19 09:33
<TABLE  cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=653 border=0 x:str>
<COL style="WIDTH: 104pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 4448" width=139>
<COL style="WIDTH: 194pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 8288" width=259>
<COL style="WIDTH: 191pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 8160" width=255>

<TR  height=75>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=75 x:str="CharacterCodeExtractor "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>CharacterCodeExtractor </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Extracts the integral character code of the first character in the source string attribute, and adds its integer value in the character set to the feature as another attribute. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Extracts the integral character code of the first character in the source string attribute, and adds its integer value in the character set to the feature as another attribute. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>获取输入属性值的第一个字符的整数字符编码,输出为新的属性</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=60>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=60 x:str="CharacterEncoder "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>CharacterEncoder </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Sets the result attribute to the character whose numeric code was contained in the source code attribute (or the integer entered in). "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Sets the result attribute to the character whose numeric code was contained in the source code attribute (or the integer entered in). </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>根据输入的字符编码值生成字符给输出属性</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=45>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=45 x:str="Chopper "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Chopper </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Ensures that all features output have less than or equal to <maximum vertices> vertices. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Ensures that all features output have less than or equal to <maximum vertices> vertices. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>按最大节点数截断所有输入要素</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=45>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=45 x:str="CircularityCalculator "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>CircularityCalculator </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str='Calculates the "circularity" of an area feature, which indicates how elongated the feature is. '><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Calculates the "circularity" of an area feature, which indicates how elongated the feature is. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>圆率,计算输入的面状要素的细长程度</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=15>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=15 x:str="Clipper "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Clipper </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Performs a geometric clipping operation. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Performs a geometric clipping operation. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>图形剪切</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=45>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=45 x:str="Cloner "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Cloner </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Makes copies of the features input and outputs all copies through its single output port. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Makes copies of the features input and outputs all copies through its single output port. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>复制所有输入要素</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=60>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=60 x:str="ColorRasterCreator "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>ColorRasterCreator </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>根据参数创建栅格要素,并输入转换流程</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=45>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=45 x:str="CommonSegmentFinder "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>CommonSegmentFinder </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Tests to see which of the CANDIDATE features have even one segment in common with any BASE feature. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Tests to see which of the CANDIDATE features have even one segment in common with any BASE feature. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>公共边检查:候选要素是否具有与基准要素相同的公共边</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=45>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=45 x:str="Concatenator "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Concatenator </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Concatenates the values of any number of attributes and constants together, and stores the result in a new attribute. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Concatenates the values of any number of attributes and constants together, and stores the result in a new attribute. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>字符串连接:将任意数量的属性值或常量数次连接起来并输出为新的属性</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=60>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=60 x:str="ContourGenerator "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>ContourGenerator </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Generates contours from the underlying surface which is defined by the input POINTS, DEM_GRIDS, 3D_LINES, and BREAKLINES. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Generates contours from the underlying surface which is defined by the input POINTS, DEM_GRIDS, 3D_LINES, and BREAKLINES. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>生成等高线,相应的表面由输入的点、DEM格网、三维的线、以及断裂线等来定义</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=30>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=30 x:str="ConvexHullAccumulator "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>ConvexHullAccumulator </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Creates convex hulls for groups of features. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Creates convex hulls for groups of features. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>生成分组要素的外接凸多边形</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=45>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=45 x:str="ConvexHullReplacer "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>ConvexHullReplacer </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Replaces the geometry of the feature with a polygon representing its convex hull. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Replaces the geometry of the feature with a polygon representing its convex hull. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>将图形改为其外接凸多边形</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=45>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=45 x:str="CoordinateConcatenator "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>CoordinateConcatenator </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Retrieves the value of all the feature's coordinates into an attribute, separated by the delimiter characters. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Retrieves the value of all the feature's coordinates into an attribute, separated by the delimiter characters. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>将要素的全部坐标写入一个属性,坐标之间用指定的字符进行分隔</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=30>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=30 x:str="CoordinateCounter "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>CoordinateCounter </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259><FONT face=Verdana size=2>Stores the number of coordinates the feature has into an attribute.</FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>将坐标数量写入属性</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=45>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=45 x:str="CoordinateFetcher "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>CoordinateFetcher </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Retrieves the value of the x, y, and z coordinate at the specified index into attributes. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Retrieves the value of the x, y, and z coordinate at the specified index into attributes. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>获得指定节点号的坐标并写入属性</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=30>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=30 x:str="CoordinateRemover "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>CoordinateRemover </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Removes a single coordinate from the geometry of the feature. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Removes a single coordinate from the geometry of the feature. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>删除要素的某个坐标</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=45>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=45 x:str="CoordinateRounder "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>CoordinateRounder </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Rounds off the coordinates of the feature to the specified number of decimal places. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Rounds off the coordinates of the feature to the specified number of decimal places. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>坐标保留指定位数小数</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=30>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=30 x:str="CoordinateSystemFetcher "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>CoordinateSystemFetcher </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Retrieves the coordinate system of the feature into an attribute. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Retrieves the coordinate system of the feature into an attribute. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>获得坐标系统并写入属性</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=30>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=30 x:str="CoordinateSystemRemover "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>CoordinateSystemRemover </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Removes the coordinate system from all input features. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Removes the coordinate system from all input features. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>删除所有输入要素的坐标系统</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=30>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=30 x:str="CoordinateSystemSetter "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>CoordinateSystemSetter </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Tags all features with the given coordinate system. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Tags all features with the given coordinate system. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>设置所有输入要素的坐标系统</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR  height=30>
<TD class=xl24  width=139 height=30 x:str="Counter "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Counter </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl26  width=259 x:str="Adds an attribute holding the next integer in a sequence. "><FONT size=2><FONT face=Verdana>Adds an attribute holding the next integer in a sequence. </FONT></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl25  width=255><FONT face=宋体 size=2>计数器:将一个序列发生器的下一个值输出为新的属性</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>
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