  • 注册日期2004-09-03
  • 发帖数6
  • QQ
  • 铜币152枚
  • 威望0点
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更多 发布于:2004-12-07 14:31
<FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman"><p>
<P ><B>对</B><B>GRID</B><B>文件重新赋值</B><B><p></p></B></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体>Sub RasSlice(pGeoDs As IGeoDataset, pOutRaster As IRaster, RangeFile As String)
<P><FONT face=宋体>Sub RasSlice(pGeoDs As IGeoDataset, pOutRaster As IRaster, RangeFile As String)<p></p></FONT></P>
<P  align=left>' Create a Spatial operator
Dim pReclassOp As IReclassOp
Set pReclassOp = New RasterReclassOp
' Set output workspace
Dim pEnv As IRasterAnalysisEnvironment
Set pEnv = pReclassOp

' Perform Spatial operation
Set pOutRaster = pReclassOp.ReclassByASCIIFile(pGeoDs, RangeFile, False)<p></p></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体>End Sub<p></p></FONT></P>
<FONT face=宋体>RangeFile文件内容:
0.79 0.81 : 1
0.81 0.85 : 2
0.85 0.87 : 3
0.87 0.90 : 4
0.90 1 :5<p></p></FONT></P>
<P ><B>用</B><B>Shapefile</B><B>文件挖</B><B>GRID</B><B>文件</B><B><p></p></B></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体>Sub CutRasByShp(sworkPath As String, pRasLyr As IRasterLayer, sShapeFileName As String, sGridFileName As String, pOutRas1 As IGeoDataset)
<P><FONT face=宋体>'用SHP文件挖GRID文件
Sub CutRasByShp(sworkPath As String, pRasLyr As IRasterLayer, sShapeFileName As String, sGridFileName As String, pOutRas1 As IGeoDataset)<p></p></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体>Dim pWorkspaceFactory As IWorkspaceFactory
Dim pFeatureWorkspace As IFeatureWorkspace
Dim pFeaLyr As IFeatureLayer
Dim pEnv As IRasterAnalysisEnvironment
Dim pWks As IRasterWorkspace
Dim pWksF As IWorkspaceFactory

'Create a new ShapefileWorkspaceFactory object and open a shapefile folder
Set pWorkspaceFactory = New ShapefileWorkspaceFactory
Set pFeatureWorkspace = pWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(sworkPath, 0)
'Create a new FeatureLayer and assign a shapefile to it
Set pFeaLyr = New FeatureLayer
Set pFeaLyr.FeatureClass = pFeatureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(sShapeFileName)
pFeaLyr.Name = pFeaLyr.FeatureClass.AliasName<p></p></FONT></P>
<FONT face=宋体>Dim pTempDS As IGeoDataset
Set pTempDS = pFeaLyr.FeatureClass
' Convert to raster
Dim pConOp As IConversionOp
Set pConOp = New RasterConversionOp
Set pEnv = pConOp
Dim pProp As IRasterProps
Set pProp = pRasLyr.Raster
pEnv.SetCellSize esriRasterEnvValue, pProp.MeanCellSize.X
Dim sPath As String
sPath = sworkPath
' delete the existing file
Dim fs
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fs.FileExists(sPath + "\" + "TempCov.img") Then
fs.Deletefile (sPath + "\" + "TempCov.img")
End If
Dim pWs As IWorkspace
Set pWksF = New RasterWorkspaceFactory
Set pWs = pWksF.OpenFromFile(sworkPath, 0)
' Perform conversion
Set pGeoDs = pConOp.ToRasterDataset(pTempDS, "IMAGINE Image", pWs, "TempCov.img")

' perform extraction
Dim pOutRaster As IRaster
Dim pRasBandC As IRasterBandCollection
Dim pExtrOp As IExtractionOp
' Dim pOutRas1 As IGeoDataset<p></p></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体>Set pExtrOp = New RasterExtractionOp
Set pOutRaster = pExtrOp.Raster(pRasLyr.Raster, pGeoDs)
Set pRasBandC = pOutRaster
Set pOutRas1 = pRasBandC.SaveAs(sGridFileName, pWs, "GRID")

Set pWs = Nothing
Set pTempDS = Nothing
Set pConOp = Nothing
Set pWorkspaceFactory = Nothing
Set pFeatureWorkspace = Nothing
Set pFeaLyr = Nothing
Set pEnv = Nothing
Set pWks = Nothing
Set pWksF = Nothing<p></p></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体>End Sub<p></p></FONT></P>
<P ><B>合并</B><B>GRID</B><B>文件</B><B><p></p></B></P>
<P  align=left>Sub MosaicGrid(pMosaicRaster() As IRaster, sPath As String, SubareaNumber As Integer, sOutName As String, pRaster As IRaster)
pRaster:合并后GRID文件的IRater格式数据层 <p></p></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体>'合并GRID文件
Sub MosaicGrid(pMosaicRaster() As IRaster, sPath As String, SubareaNumber As Integer, sOutName As String, pRaster As IRaster)
 ' Create input and output workspace
 Dim pWSF As IWorkspaceFactory
 Set pWSF = New RasterWorkspaceFactory
 Dim pInRWS As IRasterWorkspace
 Dim pOutRWS As IRasterWorkspace
 If Not pWSF.IsWorkspace(sPath) Then Exit Sub
 Set pInRWS = pWSF.OpenFromFile(sPath, 0)
 If Not pWSF.IsWorkspace(sPath) Then Exit Sub
 Set pOutRWS = pWSF.OpenFromFile(sPath, 0)<p></p></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体> </FONT><FONT face=宋体>Dim pRasProp As IRasterProps
 Set pRaster = pMosaicRaster(1)
 Set pRasProp = pRaster
 Dim CellSize As Double
 CellSize = (pRasProp.MeanCellSize.X + pRasProp.MeanCellSize.Y) / 2
 Dim pPrj As ISpatialReference
 Set pPrj = pRasProp.SpatialReference<p></p></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体> </FONT><FONT face=宋体>' Create a new raster
 Dim pInRaster As IRasterBandCollection
 Set pInRaster = New Raster<p></p></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体> </FONT><FONT face=宋体>' Add first dataset into raster
 Dim pBandCol As IRasterBandCollection
 Dim pBand As IRasterBand<p></p></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体> </FONT><FONT face=宋体>For I = 1 To SubareaNumber
  Set pBandCol = pMosaicRaster(I)
  Set pBand = pBandCol.Item(0)
  pInRaster.AppendBand pBand
 Next I<p></p></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体> </FONT><FONT face=宋体>' Mosaic
 Dim pRasGeoProc As IRasterGeometryProc
 Set pRasGeoProc = New RasterGeometryProc
 Set pRaster = pRasGeoProc.Mosaic(sOutName, pOutRWS, "GRID", CellSize, pPrj, pInRaster)<p></p></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体> </FONT><FONT face=宋体>' ' Release memeory
 Set pRasGeoProc = Nothing
 Set pInRaster = Nothing
 Set pBand = Nothing
 Set pBandCol = Nothing
 Set pRasProp = Nothing
 Set pInRWS = Nothing
 Set pOutRWS = Nothing<p></p></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体> </FONT><FONT face=宋体>Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
 Dim pMap As IMap
 Dim pRasterLy As IRasterLayer<p></p></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体> </FONT><FONT face=宋体>Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
 Set pMap = pMxDoc.FocusMap
 Set pRasterLy = New RasterLayer
 pRasterLy.CreateFromRaster pRaster
 pMap.AddLayer pRasterLy
<P><FONT face=宋体>End Sub<p></p></FONT></P>
<P ><B>将点状图层中各点</B><B>x,y</B><B>坐标输出到文本文件中</B><B><p></p></B></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体>'将选中点状图层各点状要素的X,Y坐标输出到文本文件中
Public Function ExportXYCoor(inputLayer As IFeatureLayer, outputTextFile As String)<p></p></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=宋体>Dim pFCursor As IFeatureCursor
Dim pFeature As Ifeature
Set pFCursor = inputLayer.Search(Nothing, False)
Set pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature

Dim Fsys As New FileSystemObject
Dim Tstream As TextStream
Set Tstream = Fsys.CreateTextFile(outputTextFile)

Dim I As Integer
Dim pPoint As Ipoint
Dim sOutputString As String

Do Until pFeature Is Nothing
 I = I + 1
 Set pPoint = pFeature.Shape
 sOutputString = I ; "," ; pPoint.X ; "," ; pPoint.Y
 Tstream.WriteLine (sOutputString)
 Set pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature

End Function<p></p></FONT></P>
<P ></p></FONT></FONT> </P>
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