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更多 发布于:2003-12-16 11:13
问:col&row of a point in a feature layer over a raster  

I have a map with a raster layer and a feature layer with one or more points. How can I get the col&row number of each of the points as if they were rasterized with the cell size of the raster layer?


答:Here's a portion of some code I wrote to do just that...I was searching based upon a kernel size but this will get you the row,col info based upon point location.

The code shown assumes you've already grabbed a feature and already have a ref to an IRasterBand obj.  
  Dim pRaster As IRaster
168: Set pRaster = m_pRasLayer.Raster  'this is a mod level raster layer that I grabbed could simply grab it from the map

Dim pRasAnalProps As IRasterAnalysisProps
170: Set pRasAnalProps = pRaster
Dim dPixHeight, dPixWidth As Double
172: dPixHeight = pRasAnalProps.PixelHeight
173: dPixWidth = pRasAnalProps.PixelWidth

'We'll need the only existing band of a single band raster
Dim pRasBandCol As IRasterBandCollection
Set pRasBandCol = m_pRasLayer.Raster  'this is a mod level raster layer that I grabbed could simply grab it from the map
Dim pRasBand As IRasterBand
Set pRasBand = pRasBandCol.Item(0)

Dim pRasProps As IRasterProps
Set pRasProps = pRasBand
Dim pEnv As IEnvelope
Set pEnv = pRasProps.Extent
Dim dXDist, dYDist As Double
Dim lRow, lColumn, lStartRow, lStartColumn As Long
Dim pPoint As IPoint

    'Initialize search location in the image
Set pPoint = pFeat.Shape    'Make a point from the feature location
dXDist = Abs(pPoint.x - pEnv.XMin)      'Create X distance across image
dYDist = Abs(pEnv.YMax - pPoint.Y)    'Create Y distance across image
If (dYDist / dPixHeight) > Int(dYDist / dPixHeight) Then
     lRow = Int(dYDist / dPixHeight) + 1
     lRow = Int(dYDist / dPixHeight)      'Get row of kernel center point
End If
If (dXDist / dPixWidth) > Int(dXDist / dPixWidth) Then
     lColumn = Int(dXDist / dPixWidth) + 1
     lColumn = Int(dXDist / dPixWidth)  'Get column of kernel center point
End If
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